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Cigarette Smoking When Pregnant - How to Quit Smoking Cigarettes When Expecting

Guilty of smoking during pregnancy ? Well, it is time to quit . Smoking during pregnancy is the worst thing you can do for your baby. The good news is that quitting smoking now can still protect your baby against the damage that smoking can do both in utero and after birth. What's even better is there a way for you to quit smoking which is very effective , easy and safe for your baby.

How it can harm your baby smoking? There are several ways that smoking can harm your child while your womb and after birth. When you wear your baby toxins in cigarette smoke pass to your baby through your blood. This can cause low birth weight or premature birth.

After your baby is born smoking can cause respiratory infections or asthma in babies. In the worst cases, can lead to sudden death syndrome (SIDS ) . So stop smoking cigarettes during pregnancy can not only benefit your baby now, but it can also prevent complications that may arise along the way .

Ok , now you know why smoking during pregnancy is bad then how will you stop smoking? Pregnant women have fewer options for quitting. Many methods to quit smoking are more popular simply not possible for women to have options . Smoking cessation medications are not safe for pregnant women. Therapies nicotine replacement ( like the patch ) feed nicotine into your system so they are not a viable option as they are.

So what method of quitting smoking is pregnant? The answer is hypnotherapy. Why ? It's pretty simple . Hypnotherapy is all natural and has a very high success rate. The best way to use hypnotherapy called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming . NLP can be considered modern hypnotherapy. Using hypnotherapy techniques to eliminate the psychological cravings , but done using modern technology.

NLP is easy, you do not have to consult a professional to cravings eliminated. You can stop smoking during pregnancy simply by listening an audio recording with a special format. Many people leave after just one listen to a recording to stop smoking NLP. So NLP works fast , which is also important for pregnant women who do not have time to try several times to quit smoking .

So as you can see , NLP is the best choice for quit smoking for women who want to quit smoking during pregnancy. It is all natural, has a high success rate, past performance , and is very easy to use.