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The Three Stages To Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker and want to quit, then you must remember that when you want to quit smoking successfully, it is a simple but powerful process that takes you through three main steps to succeed.

These three steps should be involved and managed completely differently if you want to quit smoking but have failed repeatedly in the past.

The truth is that much effort is needed to finally leave. However, it is true that there is a certain amount of work needed to succeed. This strategy includes some tested immediately change the time that smoking causes occurring environments

As I mentioned before, managed to stop the work in three steps.

Pre-Out: The Cue

The first step is the "pre-quit." This step is the preparation phase where smoking is preparing for a much needed and understood "shift" mentally and physically to be a smoker to someone who goes through a detoxification process for an indefinite period, which could be anything from a few days up to 12 weeks.

The first rule of fixing a problem ... Take responsibility.

The smoker must realize then accept without reservation that he or she is really addicted to nicotine after trying to go through a long period of time and without the nicotine in your body should be. The smoker must know and understand that they have become addicted to nicotine consciously. Thus, the detoxification process also known as withdrawals anticipate and prepare without much hesitation.

Every smoker quits smoking, smoking for a while almost feel different during the first days of quitting.

The smoker can feel emotions and feelings such as restlessness vacuum and even nervousness. Some smokers may even experience headaches too. Of course, all the smoker to smoke does not pass through these events, because addiction is constantly maintained with regular doses of nicotine.

It is essential, however, to experience all this and much more to know what your body is finally repaired and if the smoker can pass through this stage with a new implementation and administered repeatedly strategy mentioned above below, and then finally reaches the smoker, quit!

Also in the previous step to quitting is strongly recommended that the smoking his education by reading all the information about the reasons why you really become addicted to nicotine.

Learn all about the addiction to nicotine is very important to understand why smokers have tried to quit in the past have failed many times.

The reality is that some habits have been tattooed in the brain of a smoker and thus new habits must be inserted several times to replace old habits as smoking or want in most cases must change.

Currently, the addicted smoker is locked in a process called "loop habit" and this habit loop consists of three parts. The first part is the tail of the second part is the routine or activity and the third part is the reward.

Signals are endless, but often can be reduced nicotine levels in the body or seeing a box of cigarettes on the table, a stressful situation or perhaps smoking outside at a social gathering with other smoking. Usually, these are the usual signs that the smoker is used to and stimulates the brain in the smoker wants a cigarette.

The second step: The routine

So naturally, the second part of fire which is common for a cigarette. Short and sweet, but there is nothing more to add to this particular loop smoking.

Step Three: The reward

From this we get the third and final part of the loop known as reward! The reward is a false sense of well-being that somehow by smoking the cigarette smoker has become to feel better, but all that happened is that the nicotine was provided to the blood addict feel normal again time.

It is essentially the "Loop usual." Because smoking is not repeated again and again until full day smoking addiction to nicotine to the brain, which is a very stubborn body will do everything possible to quit the creation of a new loop as much as possible. Cigarettes are designed and tied with enough chemicals and poisons to attack, then dominate the super fast to get "addicted" smoking receptors in the brain. as a silent assassin!

However, if the smoker is consistent and relentless thing in the brain with a new routine and a specific reward provided once smokers surfaces warms quit. This was my case and know the case of hundreds of people who have helped you quit smoking too.

The smoker to replace the old routine once the signal passes smoking and he or she will give you new special rewards after completing a new routine that prolong health, vitality and happiness. This should be done regularly throughout the day starting the first few weeks so that the brain can be reprogrammed and the new loop has thereafter the person, not an obstacle rather

And the truth is that all smokers who go through a significant period of time without nicotine will realize how incredibly better life without cigarettes.

Once free of nicotine addiction can start living the future you deserve without your life is controlled by a tobacco company.

Change the loop, change your life.