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After You Quit Smoking - Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

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After leaving , it is not finished yet. The first few weeks after quitting smoking is the hardest part smoking withdrawal symptoms. It is safe to say that you are an ex-smoker after at least 10 weeks of not smoking. This is the moment that you feel comfortable and natural the new lifestyle not smoke .

smoking withdrawal symptoms !!!

Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can be as deadly as the medication itself. Symptoms may include anxiety, nausea, headache, smoking withdrawal symptoms and worse, the desire for more cigarettes. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency in your body so that your body will create the need for a certain level of nicotine in your body at any time smoking withdrawal symptoms.

If the level of nicotine is not maintained , withdrawal symptoms begin to show . For smokers , the symptoms are very unpleasant and can be stressful smoking withdrawal symptoms. But this will only be temporary and should not be a reason to start smoking . Most symptoms culminate in the second or third day and will be gone after 6 months.

smoking withdrawal symptoms When you are facing the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal , keep memory, for the reasons that made you stop smoking cigarettes. Get everything in writing so that you can continue to watch and remember . This minor inconvenience is temporary and is only a small price to pay smoking withdrawal symptoms compared to diseases that are caused by smoking.

smoking withdrawal symptoms how to ?

Sometimes , the melting point is reached due to stress and anxiety which accumulates during the period of withdrawal smoking withdrawal symptoms. Almost all moderate to heavy smokers will experience some emotional and mental problems.

This can be insomnia, mental confusion ,smoking withdrawal symptoms vagueness and anxiety. There is also the feeling of being a baby that you have a sense of dependency , spent almost paralysis, an intense need or tantrums .

Furthermore ,smoking withdrawal symptoms a common problem is depression. In the short term , there is a strong sense of sadness and loss of a loved one . This may sound stupid, after leaving , schedule a period of actual mourning, so it is easy to overcome the symptoms .

smoking withdrawal symptoms The truth is that quitting smoking successfully , we must recognize that addiction of smoking is possible. Many have tried to quit but find that withdrawal effects are too intense .

If you face these challenges, it is also good news, because these are the signs that your body is trying to eliminate all the harmful substances left in your body all the time that you have been smoking . You can not expect the body to eliminate all those years worth of smoking substances to remove a few hours.

With proper preparation and determination, you are sure to be ready to face the effects of nicotine withdrawal after stopping . Not an impossible task and we must have faith and confidence that you are able to defeat him.