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How To Stop Smoking Weed - 5 Super Strategies To Help You Finally Deal With Quitting Marijuana

Marijuana may have played an important role in his life for several years, but I'm glad you realize that now is the time to finally quit smoking marijuana. Firstly , I must congratulate you as it is about to take a long and difficult journey , and that itself takes a lot of courage. You should also be aware that it is likely to face many obstacles on the way, but the following five tips that can show you how to address these issues and stop smoking marijuana.

1) Take control of the situation - I would say that many of their friends currently smoke marijuana. Well, if you try to quit smoking , going out with friends these can be extremely difficult . In fact , you are much more likely to relapse and start smoking again .

I would say that for the first few weeks at least to avoid friends who usually enjoy smoking marijuana . Besides this, I removed the temptation of his way, and takes a good weed paraphernalia . This should include anything that is remotely connected to his "habit" .

2) Trick your cravings disappear - One Wish ( all desire ) is usually limited to a certain period of time. Think about how many times you 've had a lack of food, and because it is not able to feed this need, the feeling soon disappears . Exactly the same is true when you feel you really have to smoke marijuana .

Normally, I advise you to overcome the feeling for about 15-20 minutes and you should realize that he is gone . You will also find that every time you turn off the decision to smoke weed is actually easier .

3) Change your thought process - Many of us are hindered by an addiction to pot, because we believe that it is something that we need , so you can not live without. How many times have you told yourself that you are only able to do something if you smoke cannabis for the first time? Believe me when I say that you do not need marijuana or cannabis, and you can certainly live without.

4) participate in activities that have nothing to do tobacco - I often fell back on cannabis after leaving due to boredom. Unfortunately , it took me a while just to realize that now have much more time on my hands ( and I had more energy and do not just want to lie on the couch all day ) and what to look for to fill this gap.

I've always been pretty good shape , so I increased the amount of exercise I did. I will also walk most nights I read for much , and with all the extra money I saved , I deal with occasionally. You need to find something that will keep you busy and not think about marijuana.

5) Always stay positive - When you first stop smoking marijuana is full of negative thoughts. How will I cope? I can talk to ? What if I start smoking? This is the perfect opportunity to remember the way you do.

Good things come out of you stop smoking marijuana? How long have you been able to go without ? They are your friends and family happy with you ? There are many positive aspects to quit smoking marijuana, but sometimes we just need to give us a little nudge in the right direction.

After 15 years of struggle against marijuana habit I know how difficult it can be to finally quit smoking marijuana.

We could all do with a little help and this is exactly what I offer .

Please take this opportunity to download my free report here and see if together we can finally start the habit of marijuana in your life.