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Teen Alcoholism, Symptoms and Treatments

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Alcoholism is a recurring pattern of negative addiction alcoholism symptoms. It has always been a problem affecting adolescent development as a whole. Yet , many parents try to treat that more than one phase of a face of a young teenage girl in our lives. That is why we will discuss in this article provides the effects that alcohol , symptoms and treatment alcoholism symptoms.

alcoholism symptoms !!!

Before discussing what alcoholism is ,alcoholism symptoms we will discuss symptoms of poisoning first . Signs of alcohol poisoning include ; Alcohol odor to the skin and breathing Bloodshot eyes redness of the skin memory loss.The personal appearance of the individual deteriorates alcoholism symptoms. Alcoholism is defined as dependence on alcohol, a person becomes dependent on alcohol .

It is with more alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication,alcoholism symptoms the difficulties encountered by a subject when the alcohol wears off, the need for more alcohol consumption and alcohol during for longer periods of time . In this context, there are five stages of alcoholism is defined as follows alcoholism symptoms :

Step 1 - access to alcohol is evident ,alcoholism symptoms mostly adolescents become vulnerable to other alcohol abuse if nothing is done , the subjects are not necessarily excessive alcohol consumption, but access to this substance is available .
Step 2 - Frequency of alcohol consumption increased with regular weekly use. The issue became their alcohol consumption at regular intervals alcoholism symptoms .

Step 3 - This step is associated with an increased incidence of alcohol varies from one week to more frequent and regular intervals alcoholism symptoms .

Step 4 At this stage , patients become so engrossed in alcohol and realize that "high" that relationships become careless. At this stage ,alcoholism symptoms interpersonal relations are often overlooked because of the constant alcohol intake.
Step 5 - At this point , subjects tend to lose the sense of normality without using alcohol. Subjects not operate without the availability of alcohol in your system and become totally dependent on alcohol.

What is the cause of teenage alcoholism ?

There are many causes of teenage alcoholism ,alcoholism symptoms but more often because of lack of support from parents. This is caused by parents not supervising their children and prevent access to alcohol. Communication is very important between parents and children about the negative effects of alcoholism. It is also very important that teenagers live in a positive environment ,alcoholism symptoms which means discipline fair and appropriate parents, a family history of free alcohol and emotional stimulating environment.

The basis of statistics is also observed that adolescents who have a close relationship with their parents are less likely to develop alcoholism during adolescence compared to others who are not close to their parents. In addition, adolescents who start early alcohol consumption has been shown to be more sensitive to teenage alcoholism compared to those who start later.

As regards the individual risk factors , subjects have a strong tendency to abuse alcohol are the people who do not have the emotional stability, thrill seekers have impulses and have trouble managing their impulses. Usually these guys tend to start early in search of adventure and are more susceptible to peer pressure . That is why it is very important that parents should take the time to their children and guide them to live an alcohol-free and productive lives.